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Frequently Asked Questions
Patti Doyle
"The Organic Mechanic"
1. Exactly 'what' should I expect when I come for treatment?

I take a thorough history to look at events that happen earlier in a person's life. I have found that
these have a significant effect on current state of health. Posture, flexibility and strength are all
assessed in different positions to see how they relate to normal functional abilities. I then develop
the treatment plan based on what structures need mobilizing, to lessen the load on your overused
(often symptomatic) tissues.

2. Are your services covered by medical plans?


3. Why is your treatment so effective?

Rather than treat symptoms, I believe that when you evaluate the body as a whole unit you are
better able to evaluate the structures that may be causing the dysfunction. This is important as
treatment techniques differ depending on whether the cause of your problem is in the muscle layer,
the skeletal structure or the connective tissue of the trunk. Here are links to see several methods of
manual therapy I employ. or

4. Does the treatment hurt?

Certain techniques can be more uncomforatable than others. Not all layers of connective tissue
correspond to pain. Generally the deeper the tissue adhesion I will use an indirect approach and less
pain is felt. When there is fascial restrictions in the musculare layer I will use a direct approach to
free it up. This can be quite uncomfortable but most effective and long lasting.

Have any questions or comments? Then...
Contact Patti at: